Wow…What Is Kepler 452b?

Finally…the announcement we’ve all been waiting for:

The SETI Institute and NASA have confirmed the discovery of Kepler 452b, the most Earth-like planet ever encountered. Located in the Goldilocks zone of its host star, this planet would have “just the right” conditions to support liquid water and possibly even life.

“Kepler 452b takes us one step closer to understanding how many habitable planets are out there,” said Joseph Twicken, SETI’s lead scientific programmer for the Kepler mission.

This is incredible could you imagine how much we can learn about the future?  And even potentially focus on one area to see if there are organisms rather than the scatter approach we have been using?

Let’s find out more about this new planet on page 2

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  1. Earnest Carroll Foster III said:

    This is there way of letting us know. But the thing is they have been knowing of this. And plenty of more to come…they don’t just wanna rip the bandaid off fast. Slowly so nothing is thrown into chaos

  2. Tony Clark said:

    This, this is their big freaking announcement? Another earth-like planet so far away from us that no one will step foot on it.

  3. Mumbles N Stumbles said:

    I stayed at the Holiday Inn last night and trust me! that other planet is going to the purest spirits happening here, you’re in the end of times so are we all ready I am see ya there, peace

  4. Joe Sullivan said:

    We will never ever reach this planet. I’m sure there is life there tho. But if so how will this affect Christianity and the solidification of theory of evolution?

  5. Austin Schulze said:

    It is far away but with advances in science we could yet reach it one day. People once said it would be impossible to make a flying machine out even leave the planet, what’s to say they’re isn’t a way of getting there we haven’t created yet

  6. Luke Anthony Monasmith said:

    Earnest is absolutely right. but ill go further. these are the beginning slow steps to see how we react. in the end it will be revealed that not only have they found perhaps thousands of these planets, but we are also in contact with intelligences from some of these planets

  7. Logan Lees said:

    Does that matter? no. This means that there’s a possibility that a non earth dweller may have already stepped upon the earth like planet and may quite possibly be living there.

  8. JoeRay Darling said:

    I don’t think it’ll affect either one. Now people are different than beliefs. For instance Christian might freak out but it never states in the bible we are the only beings. I’m Christian and I fully support the fact that other intellectual life is out there.

  9. Ken Trevino said:

    Hmmmmmmm… I have thought and said this many times every time I see articles like this ..
    But it makes me asks the question and it’s obvious ..
    Show the actual goddam picture of all is the findings and planets .. i am tired of all of the “ARTIST RENDITIONS”, of the planets. Show the actual image already … this is ridiculous!

  10. Dre Vaksdal said:

    Hell if I know. But that’s the thing… the fact it’s just a theory and no one has proven it… but my question is what else is being lied about and why fake it?


