Will Looking For Life on Jupiter’s Moons…

Here’s the scoop on the launch date and what they expect:

It will launch in 2022 and head for the ocean-bearing worlds of Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

Dubbed the Juice (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) spacecraft, the mission will look at whether the frozen worlds which surround gas giants could support extra-terrestrial life.

Dr Brown added: “At the moment we think Europa might be the most likely location to find life.

“The life forms would then need to survive without any light under high pressure environments. Current research has indicated that there might be more oxygen present than initially expected, so it could not only support microorganisms but possibly fishlike creatures.”

What do you think?  Is this a worthy area of focus or is the detection and sending of various types of signals to outerspace a more reasonable way to search for other types of organisms?

Below is a cool video of pictures of the icy moons of Jupiter and some insight from the NASA director of planetary science.

thanks to telegraph.co.uk for the great info

thanks to Brian Altmeyer for the pic


