Space Messages Were Sent For The Future…Seriously

Here are some of the more spirited comments from this video thread:

Commenter panda had this to say:

What if every planet in our solar system is inhabited, but they aren’t that as stupid as to just live on the surface, or are so smart that they have technology that makes us think that they don’t exist.

Commenter Lightzz had this to ask vsauce as well:

Why do we always assume aliens would come to trade off knowledge? Don’t we ever think they might just come to slave us? Kill us? Get our resources? I don’t know, it seems meaningless to go visit someone just to say hello right? There has to be a more valuable reason behind the visit.

If nothing else this gives us a lot to think about.  What do you think will happen to these messages?  Maybe someone will find them.


  1. Gerry Verdieck said:

    Anyone who paid attention to the Voyager missions launched in 1977. Also anyone who has had a science class in school. So dramatic like you are revealing some secret that is common fucking knowledge. Plus the fact that the probe wil take thousands of years to reach the next star sytem assuming it survives. The chances are almos zero that any civilizations that exsist would ever even find the probe.

  2. Emmanuel Freeman said:

    Hope future generations will have better ways of sending messeges in space,Looks like ours hasnt worked.!Coz we still waiting for any replay after a long time.

  3. Dan Levin said:

    “Who even knew this was happening?”

    The people who participated and the ones who were paying attention knew this was happening. This is not some grand conspiracy just because this dipshit author didn’t hear of it until now.

  4. Tommy Kimbler said:

    Crop circles are pictures of sound waves. Hidden messages we have to decipher. So probably something similar i presume.

  5. Justin Moody said:

    Wtf? This is REALLY old news, not shocking. And you really needed two pages to express all 500 words of that poorly written article? Unfollowing this lame page.


