this “THING” is debateable…
HINT: it is not an atom or electron and waaaay smaller.
Many videos cover the largest distances that we can even imagine measured in light years! However this one examines: the smallest unit of measurement in the Universe, the Planck Length. What is Planck Length? Is this just a subatomic particle, theory or something else that is entirely more bizarre.
Here is a wikipedia excerpt about Max Planck:
Planck made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame as a physicist rests primarily on his role as an originator of the quantum theory.
Let’s check out the video on this debateable concept on the next page:
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Dave Upton reckon this is the place u was getting it all from lol xx
Singularity of a black hole or Superstring?
A planck
A republicans iq?
Donald trumps$#%&!@*
Lol i seen it ages ago on tv dnt see how its new lol n on this it says im wrong anyway so ive learned sommat new lol
Trump’s Manhood?
Donald Trump hands
Just shows you Lyle, Matt doesn’t understand the concept, looks like republicans iq is correct!
Just shows you Lyle, Matt doesn’t understand the concept, looks like republicans iq is correct!
Barak Obama’s balls…..!
Obama’s brain.
Nothing/ neither biggest.
El pato Donal’s brain.