Apparently there is a very unusual object at the bottom of The Baltic Sea. It was discovered in 2011 and the theories of the origins of this thing are all over the place.
Is the Baltic Sea Anomaly a 14,000 year old alien spacecraft that crash landed?
In what seems to come straight out of a starwars film, something like a crashed millenium falcon has been spotted at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.The image first appeared on the sonar of Ocean X, a private treasure hunting company, a couple of years ago.
Also note the streak marks behind it. Look at the way they are shaped….it looks like whatever this thing was crashed and skidded along the ground before coming to a stop
The team that discovered this object noted that when their boat was directly above it some of their electrical equipment stopped working. When they sailed away , the equipment started working again.
Let’s find out more on this strange object on video and read more on the discovery on page 2
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It is a pile of rocks. There are photos of it. The rocks were most likely dropped by a retreating glacier during the last Ice Age.
Hans Solo is in there
Why is there no sediment on it?
I think it’s a millennium falcon replica from ancient times.
Ots an alien spaceship that was parked just before the great flood ghat wiped away most of humanity, the occupants were out looking at stuff when the flood hit and they were killed and the ship was left to grow speculation of its purpose