Top 10 Weirdest Planets That We’ve Seen In Space

Many of us can name the planets in our solar system and the most unusual one might be Saturn in that it has very noticeable rings around it that seem to be held in place by gravity.  Now here is a video about planets you may not even know about:

Space is unbelievably strange. You would be forgiven for thinking that every planet out there is similar, just a big ball of rock and gas, but planets are remarkably more unique than that. Here’s the top 10 strangest planets in the known universe, that seem like they belong in some bizarre science fiction series.

Let’s check them out in the video on page 2

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  1. Tsi Nue Vue said:

    Fake. How the hell can we finally see pluto but these planets are light years bull$#%&!@* sound sweet though

  2. Nick Phillips said:

    We can surmise what these planets might be like by their behaviour. I mean, we were mostly right on how Pluto would look but it did have its surprises.

  3. Travis Mounce said:

    Although I like the art of these exoplanets, this is definitely a fake story. We, humans aren’t capable to take a very high-quality image of planets that are light years away from Earth yet. That will take time for us to reach that point.

  4. Damián Barajas said:

    I would love for these scientists to prove all these theories…it’s all speculation. Unless they flew there personally, it’s all bull$#%&!@*!


