What are the biggest things in the universe? Are they mega galaxies or quasars? And we know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system but what about other solar systems? This video lists 10 of the largest. Here is an intro:
Located in the constellation Hercules, planet TRES4 is 70% larger than Jupiter in diameter, but has only 80% of Jupiter’s mass. Because of how close it orbits to its sun, it is thought that the intense heat expand the gasses that make up this planet, resulting in an almost ‘marshmallow-like’ density. It holds the title of the largest planet we’ve discovered so far.
Update: Science is never finished. Since this list was compiled, observations of an exoplanet called WASP-17b suggest that it is even bigger than TRES4. Despite its radius being twice that of Jupiter’s, it only has half the mass. This makes it even “fluffier” than TRES4.
Btw there is one on the list that almost no one has heard of and is absolutely awesome.
Let’s see these cool images and mind boggling items in the video on page 2
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#1 – Space.
1. Your mom…