Could one of these ideas actually work?
Take a journey through space and see where we’ve been and could be going. There has been a lot of talk lately about how we might actually send astronauts to Mars and past our solar system. One of the techniques would involve a microwave propulsion system and no we’re not talking about reheating burritos ;). Another involves setting up internet data points in the solar system and using them as relay stations. Here is an intro:
To be spacefaring is to be capable of and active in the art of space travel or space transport, the operation of spacecraft or spaceplanes. It involves a knowledge of a variety of topics and development of specialised skills including (but not limited to): aeronautics; astronautics; programs to train astronauts; space weather and forecasting; ship-handling and small craft handling; operation of various equipment; spacecraft design and construction; atmospheric takeoff and reentry; orbital mechanics (aka astrodynamics); communications; engines and rockets; execution of evolutions such as towing, micro-gravity construction, and space docking; cargo handling equipment, dangerous cargoes and cargo storage; spacewalking; dealing with emergencies; survival at space and first aid; fire fighting; life support.
Let’s check out some of the visuals and hear what these astronomers have to say in the video on page 2
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Even if we can create a propulsion system which can reach 99.9% of the speed of light, interstellar travel is still a daunting task for our fragile species.
Robust A.I. Is the future of deep space interstellar exploration.
Warp/Hyper speed is likely never going to be a viable option perhaps forever.
Tha. Elians. Do. Aet. Y. Can. Humanos. Dont
Lmao learn some grammar bro
Gov already has warp speed
Jason Good LOL, that’s fantastic! Please post/cite peer reviewed papers and professional publications to back up your claim. Or, go back down into mommy’s basement and log onto a conspiracy site.
In theory could manipulating gravity to create a grav well get a vessel beyond light speed?
Be cause they don’t exist
Alek Pinke, it could be a form of propulsion in theory, but we’re still in the process of proving the existence of gravity waves. Never mind controlling them to do our bidding.
Go do research and you will find out. Schools dont teach you$#%&!@*abt history. You have to research it yourself. You really think the government tells the American people anything. Lmao keep dreaming. Mike you have no idea what tech the government possesses. They had stealth tech decades before the public knew.
Ben Rich, Ceo of lockheed martin in 1995 said they have the tech to take ET home if they wanted to. Lockheed Martin builds all the military defense for the USA. They are developed the f22 raptor and created our stealth fighter jets. Thats not conspiracy, go research it.
Jason Good
Then why are we diddling around with old school liquid hydrogen & oxygen propellants and a tin can erector set we call a space station which is barely into near space? Why can’t we build a safe, functional F-35 which is a pile of crap aeronautically? A plane which pilots absolutely hate.
Believe what you want, but until I see more than words, and see actual functioning tech, it’ll remain in the realm of science fiction.
The government is over 50 years ahead of the public in technology. When things are developed in black projects, thats where they stay. You only knows what nasa tells you abt the space station and everything else. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin talked abt seeing Ufo’s in outter space. Im not sure why a respected man would go public and lie abt that. Technology grows at an exponential rate. If you take a penny and double it everyday for 30 days you will have well over a million dollars. Tech os the same way so once you hit that curve, technology will explode and the governed is def ahead of the public and all other countries.
Jason Good I never said there weren’t ufo’s. But the onus is on you pal to prove that they’re ours.
Oh, the penny thing. Lol
That’s proof!
What is to be gained by our government withholding this advanced tech from us?
Wouldn’t it turbo boost the economy to integrate it into the business world, or use it to bring peace to the world?
I call bullshit, I’m pretty sure your sitting in mommy’s basement in your underwear, playing world of Warcraft, still worried about HAARP. Lol
So again, no more vapid words, I want proof ya chucklehead.
You really thin the government cares abt world peace? Lmao your kidding right. You really thing they wanna give free energy out. Cmon dude. They dont gov out tech just cuz they have it. Why do you think your not allowed in area 51 and deadly force is authorized if you try. Obviously they dont want you know what they are doing. I dont have to prove$#%&!@*to you but if you do enough research on your own you can see for yourself. The penny was an example of how fast technology grows. You really think the government keeps the public up to date on things develop. Lmao if they did other countries would know as well so yea they benefit from not telling the public. Honestly of the government told the public they could travel among the stars, the press would never leave them alone with questions and everyone would have a million questions. So yea its honestly better to keep it under wrap.