the planet x story continues ON…
The surprising report of a possible planet x has the internet buzzing. And now a new theory adds to the mystery and intrigue of this bizarre finding. Originally the team is from Cal Tech who spotted anomalies at the edge of our solar system. They have even said that within 5 years or less they expect to fully spot it and other astronomers agree. And now there is this surprising news update:
Our solar system might harbour an alien interloper. The proposed Planet Nine lurking at the edge of the solar system could have been stolen from a passing star.
In January, Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown announced evidence for an unseen planet around 10 times Earth’s mass lurking in the fringes of the solar system. Other astronomers immediately came forward with suggestions for how so-called Planet Nine might have migrated from the inner solar system towards its outer edges.
But one team now suggests just the opposite: that it was captured from a nearby star.
Let’s find out how this bizarre and unusual theory could be possible on page 2
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Well if it’s spinning retrograde it most likely was not made like the rest of the planets here.
A much less terrible article about planet x: http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2016/01/21/evidence_found_of_a_possible_planet_in_the_outer_solar_system.html
They know more than what the are say on won’t release it lying bastarders
Yes it is. We should demand information why they keep covering up the planet when people in Australia are now seeing it with the naked eye.