does this planet have life that we can communicate with right now?
The search for extraterrestrials has fascinated us and been a hotly debated topic. From the S.E.T.I. program to other methods, lately the focus on exoplanets has gained a lot of attention. There is one in particular that has caught the attention of many astronomers:
Scientists say a world that’s 490 light-years away qualifies as the first confirmed Earth-sized exoplanet that could sustain life as we know it — but in an environment like nothing we’ve ever seen.
The planet, known as Kepler-186f, is “more of an Earth cousin than an Earth twin,” Elisa Quintana, an astronomer at the SETI Institute at NASA Ames Research Center, told the journal Science. Quintana is the lead author of a report on the planet published by Science this week.
And for the update there are 10 facts that you may not know about this planet. A home science fan compiled them from NASA’s data. Have any guess how long a year is there?
Let’s check out this exoplanet in the video on page 2
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Haha may be ? Come on …!! They already fucking with us
Yes, but higher lifeforms are unlikely.
How do I get there.?
It’s about 490 light years away. Better get started now, to beat the traffic.
Every planet is inhabitable!!
I don’t know why people keep thinking. That there is just life on earth!! With all them other stars and planets. Open your minds!!!!
White people lie.
Who says other speicies would even breath air
We are made from the stuff that’s in space….so why wouldn’t there be life in space!!!
Title says uninhabitable? Does this pertain to organisms on earth or all organisms?
Can’t even make our life work on earth how the hell are we gonna make life work on another planet??
Yea but even the ss enterprise couldn’t get there in a hundred years..
Mars and venus shows there was life on them b4
Lmao even at the speed of say data which is heavier than light,it would take hundreds of years maybe thousands if the transmission of data didnt become distorted by other dar wave,microwaves,or gamma.. there are to many variables, the only way to know whats there is either to send a space craft with cryo chambers if we could ever get cryo right we would have a chance at populating a new world..without that we will never have a chance
So is the earth wait a minute we are extraterestrials
This world is wipe for Revelation chapter 13 to come into fruition. When the bible told you about fallen angels and their descendants being in the world before and after the great flood, you didn’t believe that, now the fallen angels descendants tell you that aliens are is out of space, you believe that. They are making aliens of earth to land a spacecraft on earth to deceive many.
Half Human Half Frog-anecephalic baby-Daily motion.
Cait Lin
Honestly i think every planet is inhabitable for some species. Just because human life can’t thrive somewhere doesn’t mean no life can. There’s probably already life on that planet.