NASA Made a Map of “Mars Gravity” and its Amazing

have you ever seen anything like this?

First there is a breakthrough in gravity waves and now this.  2015 and 2016 have been incredible years in terms of NASA’s research about the red planet.  Mars is one of the most mysterious planets in our solar system with possibly the most amount of speculation out of all the planets.  From sci fi movies to research studies, many think it once had or may even have life on the planet right now.  And this latest map is awesome:

The new gravity map was produced using data collected by NASA’s Deep Space Network from three spacecraft in orbit around the Red Planet: Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

“The new map will be helpful for future Mars exploration, because better knowledge of the planet’s gravity anomalies helps mission controllers insert spacecraft more precisely into orbit about Mars,” said Dr. Genova, who is first author of a paper on this research published online this month in the journalIcarus.

The curiosity rover has definitely sent back some insanely cool data.

Let’s see a picture of the gravity map on the next page

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