this is a theory that could be crazy or crazy smart..
Who really knows but this journey through the different possibilities really makes you think. There has been more talk lately about quantum entanglement and of course the famous double slit experiment. What does that have to do with time? Well, those properties of physics and theoretical physics may put into question some of what we think we know.
One of the axioms on how this could or couldn’t be is if you take the big bang theory to be true or not. Many lately have been saying it is incorrect which would open the door to some of this.
Here is a brief intro into this fascinating video:
Based on the book “The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality” by renowned physicist Brian Greene, this PBS documentary explores the concept of spacetime as it relates to our common understanding of the past, present, and future.
Commenter TS had this to say haha:
This could be useful for terraforming. Suppose your current planet is dying and there’s no nearby planet ready for colonization.. you could send terraforming machines to possible prospects, then set your spaceship to circle a blackhole until your planet is ready, like waiting for a microwaved dinner to be ready. lol
Does this change your perspective or is it just fun fiction that has no real basis? Feel free to comment either way.
Well the way percieve yes modernly… It’s already a diff date on the planet in diff locations… But we share the same moments. Wake up!
Maybe we are already on our way and disrupting that will end it all…
Just because it can’t all ultimately be measured as variating rates of motion, its an illusion? Wouldn’t that make earthquakes an illusion? What is really still though? Most things are made of atoms that still have subatomic levels that move even more than the atomic level. They may be hard to measure movements that may traverse to a hard to measure other dimensions. Like when subatomic particles seem to be destroyed and generated again. It could still be the same particles that temporarily became hard to track.
Pretty sure the past WAS and the future WILL do there is really only NOW.
Except, now is then and now is will be.
Mathmatical property of substitution? Until I can visit them. Time was confabulated to keep money flowing like blood through our veins.
Ask your boss if it’s an illusion.