What do you think?
Some scientists say that “tachyons” might be able to do it..
The ever entertaining Veritasium examines the question, can anything travel faster than the speed of light. People actually are in both camps, and it is almost impossible to discuss this debate without referencing the work of Einstein from earlier in the 20th century. There are new models out now that would suggest yes, and in terms of our own space travel, we are far from getting close to this speed.
Let’s find out what possibilities they discuss in the video on page 2
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So which one of you is a physicist?
I study every day, bill nye says learn something about everything
I agree.
The complex of gravity in side space ball example atoms bouncing all around
Ppl getting in line for the new star wars gotta be close lol
My paycheck reaching 0
The neurons in our brain are much faster.
A magnetic field is the same.
Photon particles do have mass and weight
Gravity is
Hmmmm ponder ponder ponder . . . . time to buy a new book
Yes, the Diarrea
Yes thought.
Warp speed
the initial expansion of the big bang was way faster than light
If you warp space you can travel faster than light. Also logic tells you that if u want to travel the universe, even at the speed of light its just not feasible. So there is obviously another way that is quicker than light
Something with negative mass would not interact with mass therefore does not have limit on speed
If you have negative mass, it will not interact with mass therefore does not have limit on speed….basis of space warp
Exactly my point Jason Good.. light isnt the fastest thing out there. Light is like a cheetah or a peregrine falcon.. they may be the fastest creatures on this planet.. but they arent the fastest things on this planet. Same applies to light, measurably light me be the fastest thing we can observe but it isnt the fastest. Theres stil so much we dont even know yet.
Grab it is equal to the speed of light…not faster
Umm theory? I don’t understand sometimes, is this supposed to be a fact, or theory?
I guess space warp is theory altho i believe they already have the tech but the negative mass not interacting with mass is fact…for example anti matter doesnt interact with matter
Forgive the comedy, its just that I understand to me, even science is relative to our own existance , you can learn the wrong thing just by listening, I met one guy that swore up and down that life came from an asteroid, ALL THE WATER on earth came from an asteroid, it sounded to me like hey that sounds a lot like what God would did ” Bam I make water” , but in reality I believe the cooling and heating and nuclear reactions and so fourth blah blah, you already know, the point is this guy believed that so I don’t appreciate theory, until I KNOW it can’t be proven wrong
As far as the negative mass goes if you can’t hold it how can you use it?
Isn’t it possible you can destroy EVERYTHING by crossing that boundary? I mean like causing a cosmic explosion? Or implosion of ALL energy? Just like my theory on time travel wouldn’t you have to control every and all atoms and run them all exactly backward? Simultaneously? And if you could technically do that, why the hell would you waste your time going back when you have the power to pretty much do whatever you want. . . . and also we would have already seen something or someone from the future, which would have come back and ended someone else that has achieved it so that not everyone can do it. . . . . ponder ponder ponder. . . .
If we had the tech to go back in time, do you really think the gov would just let anyone go back in time? No and they would hide the technology from the public just like they do everything else. Research negative mass it will be easier to understand. For example u can have an atom and the sum of the atom and its parts weigh less than the atom itself. Google that stuff
Yes I believe the government would, but doubt they succeeded . . . . and no, the internet lies. . . . . but in the spirit of Socrates, answers are found by regular public debate and rebuttal . . . . even if I have to hit someone in the EYE to find answers!! 🙂