Have You Heard of This Mysterious Island Por-Bajin?

It is one of the most BIZARRE in the world..

Every now and then something completely unusual appears on the internet.  What in the heck is this island?  You likely have not heard of it or would know how to pronounce its name.  The mystery of the fort at Tere Kol lake has never been solved.  Here is a brief intro about the video showing this mysterious phenomenon:

Por-Bajin is a mysterious island in Siberia – no one knows why it is there or who really built it.

A mysterious island containing a fortress or some sort of prison out in the middle of absolutely nowhere has been discovered in the deepest lake high in the remote mountains of Siberia.

Vladmir Putin has visited the site and said, quote “I have been to many places, I Have seen many things, but I have never seen anything of this kind.”

let’s find out more about this unique island in the video on page 2

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  1. Erik Olson said:

    Yeah, it’s a Gulag (Russian Prison). There’s$#%&!@*tons of those things all over Siberia. And Putin is full of$#%&!@* Basically they’re set up as political re-education camps and that’s where the USSR and current Russia send they’re political dissidents.


