We MAY not be able to comprehend..
Many mathematicians and philosophers for thousands of years have been trying to understand this reality. The one philosopher early in this particular video states infinity is an illusion just like the speed of light once was. That doesn’t make sense does it? There are people on both sides of the debate here, and this is a disagreement that has lasted for centuries. Well here is a fascinating video covering this controversial discussion:
“The infinite! No other question has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man,” said David Hilbert, one of the most influential mathematicians of the 19th century. A subject extensively studied by philosophers, mathematicians, and more recently, physicists and cosmologists, infinity still stands as an enigma of the intellectual world. Thinkers clash over questions such as: Does infinity exist? Can it be found in the physical world? What types of infinity are there? Through an interdisciplinary discussion with some of the world’s leading thinkers, this program will delve into the many facets of infinity and address some of the deepest questions and controversies that mention of the infinite continues to inspire.
The comments in this particular YouTube thread are very inquisitive which is not always the case with YT. Commenter Anthony had this to say:
Math in my opinion cannot be used to explain infinity. For example, we have a computer calculating PI. Lets just say it will calculate it forever. Now what happens when the universe ends and the computer ceases to work? In this scenario PI is still not infinite because the universe ended before it reached infinity. Not that it ever could reach infinity even if the universe did not end. My opinion is that infinity cannot contain time or space, neither a have beginning or and end or exist inside a universe that will eventually end. I understand this infinity topic is a paradox and no one is right or wrong, but using math to explain it, does not make sense when this universe will end someday. This makes infinity impossible within our finite universe… AND Do not tell me some type of infinity inside this universe will survive when it ceases to exist…..
Joey F replied to his question:
The decimals of Pi exist regardless of our calculation of them. Also if the universe did “end”, what would be left?
Check out the video first and see if these replies resonate with you or if you have any opinions:
Anthony replied:
PI is not substantial it is basically math, a tool, For example, a law cannot do anything unless it is told what to do or used by intelligence to manipulate the outcome, Just like PI it is a mathematical tool and when using it has a starting point with some type of reference to time.. Therefore if the Universe ends, The only thing remaining just speculation is the very thing that started it. I really can’t say for sure I don’t know, but if that’s not the case then nothing would exist because infinity I don’t believe could ever be attaind inside a universe with time for the simple fact everything has a starting point with time as a reference. That’s in itself constitutes a beginning, even if it went forever PI it would never reach infinity…Just not logical, The whole topic is a paradox.
This is a debate for the ages what do you think? Feel free to comment!

Yes the universe is infinate, as it expands ever outward billions of black holes collapse interior elements of the universe always maintaining a balance.
An infinity within mathematics is the result of a mistake in the formula.
To say that the universe is infinite is an unbeatable prediction, therefore is an assumption.
There is no beginning nor an end, in that type of linear sense. It’s just stuff ever changing forever. Even if something is “gone” it didn’t disappear from existence. it just changed into something else. But hey that’s just me. Our down fall trying to understand the realm of spirituality* or whatever is the obsession of observed measurement..
Yes it exisit I’ll explain it..
It Just Keeps Going..
Your Welcome
The universe will eventually come to an end just as everything else does. The expansion is slowing already