Some think it is possible..
The search for organisms on other planets often involves looking far outside of our solar system. From the S.E.T.I. program which began in the 1970s to the search for exoplanets, many different approaches have been taken. Perhaps though, life exists on other planets and moons in our solar system? This moon could be Titan according to some. The main difference in the point of view is that cells could operate differently in unusual chemical environments:
Could there be life on Saturn’s large moon Titan? Asking the question forces astrobiologists and chemists to think carefully and creatively about the chemistry of life, and how it might be different on other worlds than it is on Earth. In February, a team of researchers from Cornell University, including chemical engineering graduate student James Stevenson, planetary scientist Jonathan Lunine, and chemical engineer Paulette Clancy, published a pioneering study arguing that cell membranes could form under the exotic chemical conditions present on this remarkable moon.
Let’s find out more about this mysterious place in the video on page 2
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Hope so…
Yeah there out there.the real question is why are we being lied too still?are we hiding ourselves because we cant defend ourselves yet against the rest?were still soo young we have no clue what’s really going on.
Life could exist but not as we know it here on earth!
Yes of course. Silly question
Just probably not human
Who knows? Great reason to send droids! It’s Star Wars day, had to!
Yes! Thanos home planet.
‘…life as WE know it…’ We discover extremophiles here on earth regularly, whose to say there isn’t life there which has adapted/evolved to its environment 🙂
I believe.
I hope so.
Of course
My money’s on Europa.
That fact that we find life thriving in the most hostile environments here on earth would lead me to believe there is some sort of life on all planets.
Water =life
There is
Not always
Yes there is life there we sent it on the Huygens probe. It landed in 2005.