Any guesses?
Plenty of videos cover the largest distances that we can even imagine measured in light years! However this particular video examines: the smallest unit of measurement in the Universe, the Planck Length. So what is Planck Length? Is this just a subatomic particle, theory or something else?
Here is a wikipedia excerpt about Max Planck:
Planck made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame as a physicist rests primarily on his role as an originator of the quantum theory.
There is some debate on whether a unit of measurement is a thing or not. Since everything may be made up of spacetime and universal fabric many would argue that it is a thing. Any opinions?
Let’s check out the video explaining more about this concept in the video on the next page:
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Depends on what you define a “thing” as.
^^^this guys junk
George Bush’s IQ.
A Quark
Chris Varela penis.
a*****e by now someone has to has one smaller than me :/
Please define smallest.
Please define universe.
I’m going with quantum “Strings.”
Depends on how fast it moves ?
Obama’s pecker.
The uniformed masses that hate Obama with no factual evidence to back it up?
Is it not a quark?
A liberals brain
Hillary Clinton’s conscience?
Trump’s penis?
Am I the only one making educated guesses here?
Donald Trump’s penis?
Quark.. But Kevin’s answer seems right also
Vibrating strings.
A mini-quark?
Sub atomic particules