trippy trippy…
Do you know about this bizarre galaxy? Apparently there are many secrets and astronomical mysteries. A lot of the pics of this galaxy were from The Hubble, and surprisingly they got some help from an amateur astronomer. Messier 106 is particularly mysterious for a number of reasons:
Located a little over 20 million light-years away, practically a neighbor by galactic standards, Messier 106 is one of the brightest and nearest spiral galaxies to our Milky Way. Although it may not look particularly unique, some of its features have baffled astronomers for years.
So being one of the brightest do you have any other ideas what might be so peculiar about this one galaxy?
Let’s check out a video on the mysteries of this unusual and super bright formation on page 2
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Yes I do … my people and my home planet were destroyed by it a few of us were lucky enough to escape a decade before and stumbled upon this planet and here we stay until your world leaders ( children) create the nuclear genocide and off we shall go to the next