Exoplanets have big implications..
Alpha Centauri is the closest star to ours and they found an exoplanet in this unusual solar system. It is actually a triple star system which you might not know about. The exoplanet is appropriately named Alpha Centauri Bb. It also has an extremely low solar mass and astronomers are studying it further. Although it is a long distance away, by cosmic standards it is very close. Even before traveling outside of our solar system, its proximity makes it a good candidate for further observation as new super powerful telescopes finish being built.
What do you think are exoplanets a strong area to focus on in the search for other intelligent organisms?
Let’s find out more about this close exoplanet in the video on page 2
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Great little video! And don’t forget– for you Android users, there is an exoplanet app that is excellent–