CERN Supercollider What They Just Found
Here is some more info on what they are trying to accomplish with this latest test:
How often are the 13 TeV collisions occurring? How much data does that generate?
There are 40 million collisions occurring every second. And we run typically eight months in the year and during that time collisions occur about 30% of the time. We actually only save about 1,000 of the 40 million events occurring each second, the 1,000 most interesting ones.
Indeed, the total storage we have worldwide for the data is about 50PB (which is 50,000,000GB). It is distributed over more than 100 computing centers, the biggest one at CERN. A single event is about 1.5MB in storage size.
What is the biggest enigma in particle physics that you guys want to find answers for in your lifetime?
What is dark matter is made of? We know it’s there but have never been able to produce or detect it on earth. It is rather embarrassing that we only understand 4% of our universe at the moment.
This leaves a lot to mystery and is a bit cryptic but at least gives some info about why they are doing these experiments. We look forward to hearing more and hope you enjoy the video.
thanks to for the info
thanks to reddit for the info
thanks to HuangP for the image
fix your page! why cant i see all the text