will this lead to PROOF?
Astronomers have discovered exoplanets in the last 10 years, some of which resemble Earth at first glance. So what types of properties would these planets need to have to qualify as “Earth-Like”? Would they have to have h2o oceans or perhaps atmospheres similar to ours? Or maybe their proximity to their local star is a more important factor whether the planet could or couldn’t host life. We do have organisms that live by the hot sulfur vents in the Pacific Ocean so perhaps life could exist in more harsh conditions? Here is an intro into this brief documentary:
Get the latest from the planet-hunting frontier. Find out what we are learning about our place in the cosmos from the search for earth-like planets.
This journey started tens of thousands of years ago, when humans began to fan out across the planet, following unknown pathways, crossing unmeasured distances. We traced coastlines, and sailed uncertain seas. We crossed ocean straits drained by an ice age.
Let’s check out these 8 exoplanets in the video on page 2
Is that red star behind the sun supposed to represent the rogue planet in the solar system ?
I really wonder why are so many scientists looking for planets like ours. ?