Wait aren’t we still at 3D printing?
There is one more factor that takes 3D to the 4D step. If the components are “smart” in a 3D process and can move and change after being printed it can be called 4D as you are adding another dimension. This would pretty much involve what is called programmable matter. Well known speaker Skylar Tibbits gives an interesting talk on the future of 4D printing and what things may look like. Webites like thingiverse.com allow you to upload 3D blueprints for objects that are then downlaodable as instructions for your printer at home. In this new era the 4th dimension of time where the objects and matter can assemble themselves and change form. This seems pretty exciting so I am ready to check out this talk.
Let’s see what the hype is about in the video on page 2
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We are way past 3D printing. It’s actually old technology that just recently became publicly available. We can teleport a single atom and open magnetic wormholes now
Nailed it!
Its still only 3d