The system design is comprised of a retractable tool, a table top display, an infrared position tracking system to track the device, and a camera for tracking the user’s face. The Beyond device is composed of a telescoping plastic body with simple electronics inside, and two infrared reflective markers attached outside. When users press the Beyond device to the screen the device physically retracts. The retracted part is rendered on the display.
Maybe the best application for this type of technology would be video games. Sure, the Wii and others, even Duck Hunt from Nintendo in the 80s have devices that sense gaming through the screen. But specifically a pressure sensing game that extends as in the video. Could there be some sort of lightsaber game that could be designed?? Or maybe if these screens and devices became widely adopted, games played through social media with iphone and android screens and stylus pens could launch a whole new rad type of competitive concepts.