10 Mysteries of People and Their Minds That Remain Unexplained

So have you ever experienced deja vu or know anyone who has?  If so what was their and your explanation?

Here are another couple on the list, and likely one you are not entirely aware about:

Spontaneous Combustion. Throughout history there have been reports of people suddenly bursting into ultra hot flames for no apparent reason. Their bodies are instantly consumed, leaving only an oily soot as remains, and sometimes a limb that’s untouched by the flames. The immediate area surrounding the person oft en seems remarkably untouched by the heat or flames, which is even more astounding given that the body would have to burn twice as hot as a crematorium to liquify in this way.

Hiccups. Every now and then, something irritates the diaphagm, that area below your lungs that helps you to inhale, and you get the hiccups. They interfere with work, personal life, and sleep patterns, and can eventually push the victim to their limits of endurance. You drink water, hold your breath, stand on your head, and swallow sugar, and pretty soon the spasmodic attacks subside… hopefully

Is your mind blown away and do you have any theories on any of the ones on this list?  Feel free to comment.


