Here is a list of 10 civilizations that you may not have heard of. We often hear of the Egyptians as a general catch all term for many of the specific civilizations that existed over time in that area. However there are many specific civilizations that existed in that area with different contributions and culture. There are others on the list from around the world and we never hear about that shaped their regions and left some interesting artifacts.
Let’s check out this list in the video on page 2
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Learned about s few of them in world history cl$#%&!@*. Some of the others on my own. And some I’ve never heard of.
@[100003315084714:2048:Osiris Ali]
For all we know there could be hundreds that have yet to be discovered!
I’ve never heard of Norte Chico nor yananui
Check out this new page I found Ancient Amnesia, pretty cool stuff https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=793137707422547&tsid=0.7818006407469511&source=typeahead
They cover history up
@[504247472:2048:Mark Hollen]
I’m looking for 11th lol
It’s only a mystery because their most distinguishing characteristic has been removed. (The nose)
Think of the ones we still do not know about!!
@[100000635588590:2048:Austin Lee Tipton]
There is no proof what so ever that there was the Yonaguni island had a civilization
Like the Yonaguni… There’s no evidence it existed just one rock formation by the Yonaguni islands
Yonaguni are islands and “people lived” there and built a pyramid… Doesn’t add up since there’s no evidence of people
Yup there’s a lot of stuff we don’t know about out there. But the basic stories are all similar
I’ve heard of the ruins off the coast of the country. Nothing about a people
wishin I didnt have to go to 9 other pages to read this article. so unfortunately I wont be reading